Nonprofit Giving Guide
The rules the game of life have changed, maybe forever.
The rules the game of life have changed, maybe forever.
Local network overcomes the ‘last mile’ challenge to feed Sonoma County’s unsheltered residents.
An Alcalde couple creating opportunities for others.
Stephan Stubbins takes his leave. Of all the ways there are for human beings to…
It has been said that we will ultimately be measured not be the money we have earned, the businesses, careers, professions we have built, not by the cars we drive or the size of our homes or the honors and awards we have earned, or even by the number of friends we have or the respect and recognition we receive in our communities.
A decade of $100,000 grants changes the destiny of Valley nonprofits. Words Jonah Raskin If…
Vintage House provides something for nearly everyone, whether it’s hot jazz, nourishing soup, exuberant Zumba classes or the veritable feeling that they’re staying young in spirit even as they age in years.