Beauty in the Midst of Pandemic


Perhaps our world is healing.

story Lisa Kristine

(Lisa Kristine is a world-famous photographer who has documented indigenous cultures in more than 100 countries and who uses her images and her voice to promote the end of human slavery. She has a gallery of her work on the Sonoma Plaza.)

Dear Friends,

I believe in life that everything happens for a reason.Whether we experience it as good or bad, I trust there is a greater purpose.

The concern and anxiety about the COVID-19 pandemic has been inescapable. The media shouts out from all our devices. Masks and gloves separate us from our tactile and social world.

We have learned that this virus does not discriminate. It doesn’t care what color you are, how much money you make. It doesn’t mind country borders. There is a wariness in the air.

And yet I cannot dismiss the sheer beauty unfolding across the globe in the midst of this.

All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting. Pausing to remember what is important. People are singing together from their balconies in unity. Others are giving away food and caring for elders isolated in their homes. Homemade masks are being crafted across our country.

War has ceased in Syria and Yemen.

The skies are clearing across the planet.

Our world is healing.

Perhaps we are healing.

Bill Gates says he doesn’t choose to see this virus as a disaster but rather as a “great corrector.”

Together we – all of us from everywhere – can help the vulnerable: our planet, those sick and in need, the heroic doctors and nurses and paramedics, by doing our own part of respectfully staying home, and collectively helping one another.

I wish you all health, beauty, and meaning.


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